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Heartbeats(Orchestral, Romantic)
00:00 / 00:22

*Full live recording video below

Speak to Me, Love(Piano, Romantic)
00:00 / 00:45
Death Kiss(Soprano, Eerie)
00:00 / 00:43
Requiem(Cello, Sorrow)
00:00 / 00:45
Bit Tipsy(Saxophone, Jazz)
00:00 / 00:54
Intergalactica(Hybrid, Futuristic)
00:00 / 00:28
Night Flight(Electric Cello, Action)
00:00 / 00:45

Heartbeats/Concert Music

Recorded Live at Eastwest Studios, Los Angeles

Written and conducted by Jasper Ku

Video by Glenn Morisse

Mixed and Mastered by Ryan Thomas

Duration: 02:14

All The Pretty Things/Art Music

Composers for Beauty/International Music Composition Contest 2024

"Polyphonia Award" - Best Counterpoint

On exhibit at Gamle Raadhus Scene, Norway

Written by Jasper Ku

Painting and Video by Michelle Ma

Duration: 03:01

A Red Rose for My Love/Film Score

Oniros Film Awards - Best Main Theme(Honorable mention), Best Original Soundtrack(Finalist)

Top Shorts - Best Original Score

Festigious - Best Original Score

4theatre selection - Best Original Score

Written by Jasper Ku

Co-directed by Jasper Ku and Yunni Lin

Duration: 03:20

*Trailer embedded, full film currently in festival circuit

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